Dog Artist Mike McCartney
Hello! I’m Mike McCartney, thank you for visiting my corner of the internet. I have been creating breed specific dog art for just about 30 years. With clients the likes of Purina, Petsmart, and dog lovers circling the globe, I’ve been fortunate enough to draw dogs for most of my life! You could say I’ve found my calling! Or should I call it, my howling?!
Going on 30 years ago, my path towards drawing just about every breed all started with self-made birthday cards for my mom. She raised Great Danes, and I enjoyed drawing them on her cards, never imagining what it could mean for the path it would take my family. My mom asked me to try drawing at a Great Dane specialty show, and the response was instant! Next thing I knew I was on a mission to draw as many dogs in the Dog Encyclopedia as possible! Hitting the road going to dog shows with my family (my wife, Dede, and kids, Butch & Stevi) ALL over the county every single weekend became our new normal. First it was black & white note cards, and eventually it spread to color note cards, travel mugs, mouse pads, at play signs, coffee mugs, and of course, t-shirts! Next, national catalogs began to carry our products; RC Steel, Petsmart, and small dog boutique businesses all over the globe!
The Cavern Canine Theme (above), created in the mid 90s, was my take on primitive Petroglyphs. I imagined my former self drawing dogs on rock walls, and this is the result!
Calendars then became a niche that I couldn’t wait to enter. At first, it was on our own. Drawing dog-filled scenes for each month, of course, but also finding a means for production. In 2002, along came Purina. They have since commissioned me every year to create a calendar they continue to use as a promotional gift for their customers. I carve out a massive portion of the year and completely immerse myself in dreaming up whimsical monthly themes and drawing this calendar!
The cover of my 2003 calendar to the cover of my brand new 2020 Calendar!
From setting up my easel drawing caricatures of people at county fairs for $4 to creating Purina’s yearly calendar for over almost two decades. I’m so proud my artwork reaches dog lovers across the globe, and thankful to have done it with the help of my family every step of the way!
Thank you once again for stopping by to visit,
Mike McCartney